On October 8, 2014

Carving Studio exhibition links local history and art

Saturday, Oct. 11 at 1 p.m. — WEST RUTLAND, VT-  “The Quarry Project: Then and Now” uses the remains of the West Rutland marble industry to create a testament to “the immense force of labor that once made this humble landscape pulsate.” The mixed media installation by New York artist Kate Katomski will be on display through Oct. 26 at The Carving Studio and Sculpture Center Gallery at 259 Marble Street, West Rutland. Marble dust, maps, archival images of the quarry, her own photographs and sketches of the quarry make up the artist’s compositions in the “Quarry Project” series.

Kate Katomski holds a BFA degree from the University of Washington and a Master of Fine Arts from the Maine College of Art. Both her father, a West Rutland native, and grandfather worked in the Vermont marble quarries.

An artist’s talk by Kate Katomski will be presented at the gallery on Saturday, Oct. 11 at 1 p.m., free and open to the public. Gallery hours are by appointment. “The Quarry Project: Then and Now” is featured in the Burlington City Arts’ Of Land and Local program.

For more info, call 802-438-2097 or email toinfo@carvingstudio.org.

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