WOODSTOCK — Woodstock Farmers’ Market (WFM) in West Woodstock is pleased to announce that the Penny Power campaign is back. The effort helps to stock the Woodstock Community Food Shelf with fresh fruits and vegetables. On Tuesdays during September and October, Woodstock Farmers’ Market will donate 10 pecent of hot coffee and hot beverage sales to the Woodstock Community Food Shelf for the purchase of fresh fruits and vegetables for those in need. In addition there will be canisters in the market to collect loose change during operating hours. WFM matches what is collected from the hot beverage sales and canisters to purchase the produce for the Food Shelf.
“The goal is simple—to raise a total of $500 in September and October!” said co-owner Steve Moyer. “Customers should look for the ‘fill the cup’ fundraising thermometer in our deli and buzz out on Tuesdays for a good cause. The more coffee we drink, the more money we raise for the Food Shelf.”
A total of $482 was raised last year, which WFM matched and then some, he added.
Diana Brown, who directs the operation for the Food Shelf, said that the Penny Power campaign comes at a critical time for the Food Shelf’s customers. According to Hunger Free Vermont, our state is the ninth hungriest in the nation, with approximately 14 percent of the population receiving some assistance to supply their food needs.
“During the summer local farmers donate fresh produce but at this time of year their generous donations end due to the growing season,” explained Brown. “The Farmers’ Market donates fresh produce at a time when families really need it. Prior to the contributions of the Farmers’ Market and others, we had very little produce,” she said.
“It’s a win-win,” said Moyer, co-owner and CFO of Woodstock Farmers’ Market. “We are well-known for our produce and we know where there is value added due to a product’s abundance and seasonality,” he explained. “We use our know-how and relationships to extend our buying power.” According to Moyer the best produce to purchase are staples that have longer shelf life, such as apples, yams, squash and onions. “We deliver more perishable items such as lettuce when the price is right,” said Moyer.
This is the ninth year the market has provided items for the Food Shelf. Prior to providing fresh produce, WFM contributed canned and dry goods, many of which were donated by market customers. But lack of space prompted Woodstock Farmers’ Market to look for an alternative way to support the Food Shelf.
For more information about the program call (802) 457-1185 or visit the Food Shelf website atwoodstockfoodshelf.org. TFM is open Tuesday through Sunday, on US Route 4 near the White Cottage Snack Bar.