On September 17, 2014

Annual Gathering of the Clans features guest, Mr. John L. Wilson

Sunday, Sept. 21 at 2 p.m. — POULTNEY — The Annual Autumn Gathering of the Clans event of Poultney Area St. David’s Society, a 26th anniversary year Gathering of the Clans event, will be held on Sunday, Sept. 21. Sponsored by Poultney Area St. David’s Society, the gathering will be held at 2 p.m. in the main floor fellowship hall of historic United Baptist Church, On the Green, East Poultney.  The public is cordially invited to join with the St. David’s Society. Dessert Social (Te Bach) will be held following the program. Please bring a dessert to share. Coffee and tea will be provided.

The program will feature guest speaker, Mr. John L. (Jack) Wilson of Harvard, Mass., an historical researcher and writer who is working on a book regarding several World War II members of “A” Company, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division who were killed by a German tank fired point-blank on their position in the town of Kommerscheidt in November 1944. A German explosive ordnance disposal team working in 2008 at a construction site in the town found fragments of a World War II-era U.S. military boot. The remains were eventually turned over to the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command for further analysis and in 2010 were returned to the United States. Jack’s uncle, John J. Farrell, Jr., was one of those fallen soldiers. Jack has been actively working to find and meet the families of the soldiers and helping them to bring closure to their lives.

The public is cordially invited to join with the St. David’s Society in welcoming Jack Wilson to this Valley and to learn more from him about his research and forth-coming book. There is no monetary charge to attend this event. Free Will donations for historic United Baptist Church, East Poultney, host site, will be gratefully appreciated.

For more info, call 802-287-9729.

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