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Weekly Horoscopes for June 2-8, 2021


March 21 – April 20

It’s not too late to begin new goals or reconnect with ones from May that fell by the wayside. You might like to recharge with a new exercise regime or dive into a pet project or topic of interest. Finding solace in a personal outlet will help release the pressure valve regarding any tensions that are simmering at home or at work. Finding a quite place within will help ease a troubled mind or frayed nerves.


July 21 – August 20

You might be feeling like all your efforts and attention are everywhere other than on you. That being said, now that Venus has slipped into your most private sector, it would be ideal to take some time out for yourself. Where you can, take the opportunity to indulge in some much-needed rest and retreat. The small things you can do to recharge your batteries will keep you from burning out. The Earth will still turn without you being the center of it this week.


November 21 – December 20

The thing about life — the little things multiply, they add up, bringing joy and happiness into your life. Consider all the little things, a child’s smile, a beautiful flower or a happy home as the compounding interest of your heart. Look for the joyful little things and before you know, your heart becomes full. Oh, and your shared finances or debt may need your attention too.


April 21 – May 20

More meaningful rituals are highlighted as Venus, your star, changes signs. What are rituals, you might ask? In short, they are simply a routine with meaning and intention. You could go all fancy, create an altar, pray and chant to saints or deities. Or, you could simply start your day with a hot coffee while focusing your energy with intention by getting your headspace right. The more you notice the little joys around you, the more they’ll turn into big happy things.


August 21 – September 20

Maybe you’re questioning your overall professional path or the level of mishaps and confusion are forcing you to re-do things, taking your valuable time and energy. You’ve now got the opportunity to connect with friends or even your work colleagues. Save some of your energy for socializing and rubbing shoulders with those you’d like to impress. If you’ve got some problems you’re dealing with, leaning into friends could help you a lot. 


December 21 – January 21

You may notice that there is some kind of common ground now between you and someone else or, a pressing problem. That being said, it won’t hurt to stand your ground on important issues or show confidence in speaking from the heart. Communication is a little crazy right now, thanks to Mercury retrograde. You may not find all the solutions this week, but it won’t matter too much anyway. Lean into love and things will figure themselves out.


May 21 – June 20

Fortunately, lucky star Venus may bring blessings and good fortune financially. Perhaps the increased visibility and recognition you’ve been enjoying will actually start paying dividends or, you may simply have the confidence to align and attract more cash. A big part of manifesting abundance starts with dialing up your energy and allowing yourself to receive. Keep your thoughts positive and open and banish worry or concern. Imagine you’ve already got everything you ever wanted.


September 21 – October 20

Start practicing the concept of receiving. As you take your foot off the accelerator, it gives others a chance to catch up to you. If someone offers help, accept it. If you get a compliment about your efforts, be gracious about it. You may now begin to see some sweet rewards for all the hard work you’ve done. It’s ok for you to set the pace of tone and events this week and allow others to fit in with you!


January 21 – February 20

As Mercury continues to move backwards, you may need to re-think what it is you really want. Is it more joy you need? More spare time to enjoy doing the things you love to do? Do you need to figure out what you want in a romantic situation? Time to pause and contemplate your desires will be what brings you closer to figuring out what they are. That being said, don’t isolate yourself too much or you could miss out on all the joy that can be had this week.


June 21 – July 20

The star of luck, beauty and charm has entered your sign. This month is your annual cosmic reminder that you have the right to feel good. Allow yourself to bask in the support that you so freely offer to others. Reward yourself with a treat or trinket you’ve long been holding off on. If you’ve been contemplating a wardrobe update or a makeover, that would be worth considering too! For most of June, you’ve got the stars on your side.


October 21 – November 20

If tension or frustration begins to build, it may help you to lean into the good things that life has to offer. There’s a weird combination of planetary plays that are making things stressful, but joyful. If you’re working hard towards something, remember that it will be worth it. If you find yourself trying to people-please or fit in with others then don’t, unless that’s something you really want to do.


February 21 – March 20

Joy and pleasure are all around, simply waiting to be found and the sky reminds you of this this week. Time at home, enjoying quality moments with loved ones it’s all of these things are what makes life meaningful. Yes, you may have to spend some money to make things happen, but whatever action you take to bring increased happiness your way will be worth it. A hug, a heartfelt conversation, a kind word — the little things mean the most right now.


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