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Weekly horoscopes for Dec. 8-14, 2021


March 21 – April 20

When it comes to your professional life, as well as your overall life direction, a turn of events may occur this week. You might decide or circumstances may dictate a change in direction thanks to new desires emerging. What you once wanted may no longer hold the same value to you as it once did. When making new choices, be mindful of power dynamics, whether they are your own or somebody else’s.


July 21 – August 20

To say that 2021 has been a pressure cooker is an understatement. This week and the upcoming weeks, you might need to draw your proverbial line in the sand. If you’ve been taken for granted or been doing something in the hope of getting something, then you might need to take your power back. You’re not one to settle for second best, so the “$64 million dollar question” is, why are you letting it continue?


November 21 – December 20

You’ve got a lot to look forward to in the upcoming weeks, but this week, it will be important to take care of your money. Before your penchant for generosity blows the budget, make sure that you don’t leave yourself short in your quest to be benevolent. Financially and emotionally, you may also discover that you’re worth a lot more than you give yourself credit for, which will empower you in a variety of ways.


April 21 – May 20

This week will herald you revealing more of your true, authentic self. It may begin to dawn on you that you no longer want what you once did. This could have something to do with your spiritual life, travel, study or even your bucket list. Even though you’re stubborn at heart, the Cosmos is giving you permission to dive deep and admit to yourself you can actually change your mind if you want to.


August 21 – September 20

The last two years have prompted you to look at love, fun and joy in a whole new light. You’re in the process of discovering that your desires in the romantic and children departments have changed a lot. You might prefer the simpler joys in life or realize that a certain situation needs to come to an end or change in a profound way. Dive deeply into what brings you joy in order to get more of it!


December 21 – January 21

Every eight years, the planet of love and money, Venus, undergoes a retrograde phase in your sign. That hasn’t happened just yet, but it will soon. For now, you might be getting more deeply connected to what you either do or do not want. This profound phase of personal growth may feel heavy this week. If that’s the case, know that you’re right on track. A butterfly spreads its wings only when its ready — soon you will be.


May 21 – June 20

You’re undergoing a cycle that will transform your relationship with money or the karmic entanglements you share with others. Maybe it’s money or an apology, but it looks as though you either owe something, or something is owed to you. A big part of this process is to be willing to change what you value and to re-empower yourself and to take your power back, especially if you know you’re worthy of more.


September 21 – October 20

Nothing quite like the holidays to put pressure on already fragile bonds, especially with family. As Venus, your patron planet, undergoes a powerful process of confrontation and renewal, you’ll become more aware of the dynamics in play in all kinds of relationships. It may also be important for you to get increasingly honest about what you do and do not want as well. Going along to keep the peace can create a war inside yourself!


January 21 – February 20

For the most part, life has brought quite a few new opportunities for growth, expansion and abundance for you this year. That said, soon it will be time to get serious. Certain options will no longer be available, which will mean you’ll need to take things more seriously. This week, think long and hard on what your priorities are and what you are willing, or not willing, to be responsible for. 


June 21 – July 20

A powerful and potent relationship cycle gets underway and will last for several weeks. You might face a truth with somebody or have to share more vulnerable aspects of yourself. Either way, truth, trust and loyalty are highlighted. If you can dive deeply into the good, the bad and the ugly, chances are you’ll grow closer together. If you’re single, you’ll have a profound awareness of what you want in love.


October 21 – November 20

Mars, your patron planet, winds up its recent cycle in your sign, not returning for another two years. That being said, I hope you have got more in touch with your desires and what is right for you — especially if it involves health and wellness. This will help carry you physically through more trying times as you begin to embark upon a cycle of release and renewal of old behaviors, habits and attitudes.


February 21 – March 20

A friend in need is a friend indeed. This week, it may be revealed the nature of a certain friendship or your social circle in general. Perhaps it’s you who needs someone to lean on. Whatever it is, be aware that your needs are changing, so your circle of friends is too. Some you’ll grow even more close with, while others will slip away — and that is all about your own growth!


One comment on “Weekly horoscopes for Dec. 8-14, 2021

  1. When reading your scopes which I do most often, I find it often gives way to chance reports most often where it can go one way or another. Why then report if it lacks surety or at least responsibility by the one who makes the announcement? Astrology is a science and must be reported with accuracy so as not to mislead those who read the scopes into an arena of falsehood. I hope you find what I have written not offensive. All energy fields must be known well so as to be reported correctly. Thank you for your time.

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