By Tom Joyce
Sugar on Snow martini is a seasonal favorite!
Gallipo’s farm on Grove Street in Rutland Town is where I first experienced the magic of the sugarhouse. It was just a short walk across the fields of Gerdon’s farm and over two rock walls to the sugar shack. There was nothing quite like walking past the woodpile, cracking open the door and getting a sudden waft of humid, maple-infused air.
The Sugar-on-Snow Martini is as close as I could come to recreating that memory. And–surprise!–it comes in the paper cup you use for real sugar-on-snow. But my advice is to trade in your paper cup for a nice frozen cocktail glass and get ready for spring with:
2 oz. Vermont White Vodka from Vermont Spirits in Quechee. This vodka is made from whey, has a nice silky feel on the tongue and goes well in savory drinks.
1/2 oz. Sapling Vermont Maple Liqueur. If you don’t have Sapling, substitute with an extra 1/4 oz. of maple syrup.
1/4 oz. Vermont maple syrup, the darker the better
Stir ingredients in a frozen mixing glass, strain into a frozen cocktail glass or pour over a paper cup full of snow.