Letter, Opinion

Vote independent for Windsor three senate seats!

Dear Editor,

Yes, Windsor voters say “no” to the two party system. By doing so you’ll bring health back to our local democracy.  We’ve all watched for far to many years how the party system, well oiled political machines, have drag all of us down a rat hole.

As you may well know that I’m in the Windsor Senate race.  I also ran in 2018, then the only Independent candidate.  Now there are three Independent candidates for the three Windsor Senate seats. Well overdue!

So please vote to send fresh, new energy to represent you, a Windsor voter. Party candidates march to the party line not you.

With our 24 towns and 55,000 residents, still the voters got no debates!   What’s up with this?

The best that has come out of this mess of no debates is Okemo community TV offered the candidates (all eight of us) a YouTube spot. Google Mason Wade Senate 2020, to view mine.  The problem here is how do the Windsor voters hear about the Okemo work.

Looks like the best way is for you to share the YouTubes and post them on your own local front porch forum or other social platforms. We have 24 towns and basically we’re still a news dead zone.  Now some of you are social media wizards please do your magic on the 24 towns.

We all want a balance for us all here in Vermont.  Some of us are old school and should not be disenfranchised by the High Tech of the Zoom Zoom world.

The virus issue has added an extra tough road for independent candidates and a need for us all to care about the well being of our Windsor local democracy.  A healthy local democracy equals a healthy national democracy.

Thank you for reading this and do vote!

Mason Wade

Independent candidate for Windsor Senate 2020

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